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I am HIS little angel here for a greater cause.I am running this blog to hone my writing skill and widen my thoughts. I am very true to the title"The Mirror Image of my thoughts".

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Yesterday, while i was scanning my english text book,my eyes were caught by a title-'MARRIAGE IS A PRIVATE AFFAIR'. Well, let me pen down my thoughts on this.

"After all its my life"- this is something the youth say with so much of strength and confidence.They pretend to be independent and matured to find out their own soulmates,betraying their parents.

But can marriage be considered as a private affair?Well, this is a big question and the answer may differ.It is your life style, family status,rapport with your parents that determine the answer for the above.

If you have a sick and weird relation with your parents and relatives,then MARRIAGE IS A PRIVATE AFFAIR.

On the other hand, if your mom is your best friend and dad is your guiding light then sure MARRIAGE IS NEVER A PRIVATE AFFAIR.

It is the prayers and tears of our parents that brought us where we are now.It is true that their hearts beat only for us and because of the same, if we marry someone without their grace,trust me we wont reach anywhere in life and our'destination' will remain as our dream goal forever too.



neetha said...

I stay on your part that MARRIAGE IS NOT A PRIVATE AFFAIR. It is they, our parents who spend money and their life for us. Anyway our parents will never find a person who is not apt to us. Do love parents and everything will be all right. You have choosen a superb topic.

Niroop Vasudevan said...

Well, it depends on what kind of a person you are. A sensible wise person will always be founded on the roots, which ofcourse have been nurtured, cared for and strengthened by the parents. And I believe that its impossible for anybody to succeed anywhere, for that case in marriage too, if they are not well connected to their roots. So parents play a very important role in deciding their children's marriage, and they should be supportive throughout, though it is wise not to get over involved.


Sithara Hamza Kizhakoot said...

Hi, i just ran across your blog through your brother Nipin. Must say u've done a great job. I wanted to start at the beginning so am starting with your very first entry. I find in you a level of maturity rare among youngsters nowadays. I like the way you have expressed your opinions on various things with conidence and true belief..........Way to go man ! Keep blogging and all the best !

Neethu said...
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Neethu said...

I believe that 'MARRIAGE IS ABSOLUTELY NOT A PRIVATE AFFAIR'...its all because of your parents that you achieved whatever you are enjoying in life rite now....luxuries,society status,education ,position in life and what not?????...even your birth in this world!!!!!If they are capable of giving birth to you and taking care of all your needs from head to toe(mentaly or physicaly)...it is not at all a difficult task for them to find out THE PERFECT ONE for you.Moreover its always your parents who know your likes and dislikes better than anyone else-thats what i personally feel......

But as you said i too feel that the opinion about marriage always
depends on your relation and the bond you have with your family!!!

Navami.sreekumar said...

Thank you all...4 commenting.