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I am HIS little angel here for a greater cause.I am running this blog to hone my writing skill and widen my thoughts. I am very true to the title"The Mirror Image of my thoughts".

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Eyes Betrayed me!

Thinking life a bed
of roses, my
eyes betrayed me..

The rosy bed was
the bloodstain of
many who passed by!

Time never been so rude,
hoped you are there
for me!

Thought you would hold
my hands in yours
Alas! You didn't!

How can you not see me?
How can you not know me?
Tears rolled down for
My eyes betrayed me!

Fire of hope put off
in tears!
No questions or complains
It's all my mistake.

My heart is
all broken!
I know!my eyes betrayed me!

Dont know what made me write this poem at this hour. I didnt have any intention of writing a poem now. Even i don't understand the emotion that i tried to express through this poem.It is just a work of art,dont break your head thinking about it:):)


Rugma said...

wake ub nammy... no eyes betrays... its ur brain dat betrays...
gud 1... n its normal 2 b abnormal "1s in awhile"... "trust me"...


NavamiSreekumar said...

Thank you sweetie:)