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I am HIS little angel here for a greater cause.I am running this blog to hone my writing skill and widen my thoughts. I am very true to the title"The Mirror Image of my thoughts".

Monday, August 30, 2010

'Love' so priceless!!

I was then in Media Organization and Ideology class. She was talking about some 'diversity' in media. Well, i have no idea about it,as i was truly in a poetic mood.This poem is dedicated to everyone whom I love.Here goes my poem:)

I am drenched in the
ocean of your love.
Many to love and
to be.

Dreams kissed me
when stars twinkle,
Moon smiles and
'Time' whispers me the
silence of night.

Through the hurdles of life
moving like a cloud with
a tiny droplet of "hope"
in my heart !

Happiness is not the
money I have,
nor fame,name or
mere luxury.

Priceless the warmth of love,
Heart misses a beat,I know,
the four lettered word
means a lot to me!

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