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I am HIS little angel here for a greater cause.I am running this blog to hone my writing skill and widen my thoughts. I am very true to the title"The Mirror Image of my thoughts".

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

When the tender feelings of Womanhood Kissed me!

A beautiful dream that
left me a smile.
Never wanted to come out
Alas! my eyes opened
for no reason.

Somber to leave the warmth of
the dream.
Tender feelings of womanhood
rocking so gently.

Thought the dream a reality,
i was so happy sleeping

Many dreams awaiting
reality where,
I play all the roles possible.

My tender feelings of
left untouched till today!

I wish i dream it all
again, only
to feel the tender feelings
of womanhood!:)

Life is so beautiful.It is just a smile from a baby that made me write this poem. Small-Small things can lead to big-big happiness!I am proud to be a female born. Life of a woman is so full, pregnant with a hundred thousands meaning and truth!:)

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